Ottauquechee River Trail (ORT)--Universal Accessibility Project
Project Overview
Opened in 2020, the Ottauquechee River Trail (ORT) is a 2.8-mile, flat, family-friendly walking trail along the Ottauquechee River that offers an exposure to Woodstock’s beauty and provides our community with abundant opportunities for exercise and river access. Originating at the East End Park, this low impact grass trail runs along the edge of fields on private property with some of the return loop located on the old Woodstock railroad bed.
This project will upgrade the first 0.3 miles of ORT to enable universal accessibility. The remainder of the trail has to remain "natural" given it is in the Ottauquechee River floodway. By making ORT accessible, Woodstock will have a trail along the river that is usable by everyone regardless of physical abilities.
There are two elements to this project: 1) to create an ADA-compliant ramp at the trailhead combined with the hardening of the trail material to meet accessibility standards; and 2) to upgrade the trailhead section of ORT to provide a better first impression, which will enhance the experience and usage.
Grant Request
Total Project Budget
Applicant Information
Name of Applicant / Organization / Business
Ottauquechee River Trail (owned by the Village/Town of Woodstock)
Mailing Address
31 The Green, Woodstock, VT 05091
Name of Project Coordinator
Tom Weschler (6936 N. Bridgewater Road, Woodstock, VT 05091)
Contact's Email Address
Project Description/Budget
Organization's Website URL
Applicatant / Organizational Description
Five years ago a group of approximately 15 people came together to develop a walking trail in Woodstock's East End. The group's mission was to create a 3.0 mile, flat, family-friendly walking trail near Woodstock's center of town that had extensive interaction (both views as well as direct access) with the Ottauquechee River. Driving this goal were three principal factors: 1) Woodstock is a town bifurcated by the Ottauquechee River but there was limited public access; 2) Woodstock is blessed with numerous outdoor resources, but there were no "flat" walking trail; 3) The town's leadership felt that Woodstock's East End was underutilized and that a walking trail could encourage development.
On Labor Day 2020 the Ottauquechee River Trail (ORT) opened. The founding group had been successful to gain local and state approvals, agreement by the property owners, funding from Woodstock's Economic Development Commission (EDC) and trail construction by the Upper Valley Trails Alliance.
Woodstock and Woodstock's EDC wants to continue to develop Woodstock's East End. They feel this area of town is a priority. The creation of ORT was felt to be a critical piece to the puzzle since many studies have shown that walking trails along rivers to be a key success factor that encourages further economic development. Also, the combination of ORT with the new East End Park would greatly leverage usage/visitation. Recent construction/development projects in Woodstock's east end clearly demonstrate that this area is recovering.
However, ORT is not usable by those with mobility issues and this restriction should be rectified to the extent possible. This is now ORT's highest priority and we believe Woodstock will benefit by having an ADA-compliant trail along the Ottauquechee River.
If you are applying on behalf of an organization, what is your total organizational budget?
$6,000 per year for trail maintenance
Project Information
Detailed Project Description
Please click on the link below to access information about ORT Detailed Project Description and Budget
Project Timeline
We are planning to start these projects in the spring of 2023. Not all phases of this project will happen concurrently. The first phase of work would be trail hardening and ramp building to enable universal accessibility. This work could begin once the ground recovers from winter and after any permitting/approvals are obtained.
After this phase is completed, ORT volunteers would complete the trailhead beautification efforts with the help of a contractor that would clear the brush/invasives from the one-acre parcel that houses the trailhead.
It is hoped all of this project's anticipated work would be completed by July 4, 2023. ORT is planning on having a family fun walk/run (5k) on the Fourth of July (morning) to celebrate the trail and as a fundraising effort.
Project Champion
“It takes a village”.....and that’s why ORT has been so successful so far. We are all volunteers who share in the commitment that a flat trail, with direct access to the Ottauquechee River, that is family-friendly and that is close to Woodstock’s center is critical to Woodstock and Woodstock’s East End in so many ways. ORT success has also greatly benefited from our partners: 1) the four landowners who have given us permission to locate a trail on their property; 2) the EDC who provided us with a sizable grant to enable the initial construction of ORT; 3) our dedicated and active volunteers who have helped to maintain the trail since inception; 4) East End Park, Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Park, WES/WUMS/WUHS, Upper Valley Trails Alliance, and other groups who have worked with us to provide programing; 5) the Woodstock Community who have embraced ORT from the beginning and support our fundraising efforts.
Project Budget Narrative
Please click on the link below to access information about ORT Detailed Project Description and Budget
Project Budget - Itemized
Income Category
EDC Universal Accessibility Grant
ORT Fundraising
Expense Category
Universal Accessibility Project
Trailhead Beautification
What will success look like?
The answer is quite simple for this project. Success is when anyone, regardless of physical abilities, can use the Ottauquechee River Trail and enjoy a river/nature experience close to the center of Woodstock. This is universal accessibility. As a community we are blessed to be centered on the Ottauquechee River. Access has been limited until recently. With the opening of the ORT and East End Park, river access has greatly increased for many. However, those with mobility issues remain underserved. With the completion of this project, all will have equal access and the opportunity to enjoy river views.
Clearly ORT has had success to date given we are averaging 500 users per week. But more needs to be done to beautify the trailhead area. Currently the trailhead 'works' but, frankly, it is a little underwhelming. The ORT trailhead needs to be upgraded to help create more of an “aha” moment. We can achieve this goal with better landscaping and clearing of the brush in the one-acre parcel, which will provide a clearer, panoramic view of the river and surrounding countryside. It is still to be determined but the cleared portion of land could be used by the community.....maybe trails/seating.....maybe a play area for children....maybe outdoor park fitness stations.
We will again install trail counters after all project phases are completed to determine if usage has increased.
Community support for this project
Woodstock has embraced the Ottauquechee River Trail since its opening on Labor Day in 2020 and now ORT is part of the fabric that is our community.
Examples include:
Attachment #2 includes letters of support from key community members. These were originally written for ORT’s efforts to obtain a grant from Bernie Sanders for universal accessibility.
Attachment #3 includes selected news coverage of ORT along with pictures of the trail and at some of the events held at ORT.
ORT is averaging 500 users of the trail per week since its opening.
ORT is totally community driven and supported
15 volunteers came together to start ORT development
8-20 volunteers come to the frequent “volunteer workdays”
5 volunteers meet yearly to organize ORT plans/projects
200+ people have attended programs offered by ORT and its partners
ORT has many great partners
4 excellent property owners allowing us to use their land for the trail
MBR National Park actively supports ORT and hosts multiple workshops at ORT
Vermont Youth Core and Upper Valley Trails Alliance have had multiple crews at ORT
WES and WUMS/HS—Held classes and helped us with the development of our logo
VINS/MBR National Park are active—kestrel boxes, bat houses and other efforts
Vermont Center for Ecostudies is actively helping ORT with our vernal pool
The Thompson Senior Center, Woodstock Terrace and Zack’s Place frequently use ORT for walks
The Woodstock community has actively supported our fundraising efforts including picnic tables and benches.
One example of how ORT is part of Woodstock’s fabric and providing economic benefit to the town is this recent American Express promotion that features ORT.
Community support for this project
The simple answer is yes.....ORT has established itself as viable and necessary to Woodstock. As an organization we do have the reserves necessary to support the annual $6,000 maintenance cost.
ORT is owned by the village/town and, at some point, maybe Woodstock will provide funding and oversight to its many parks and natural resources. Until then ORT will fundraise (grants, donations, events) to remain financially viable and continue to utilize our active volunteers to manage affairs.

Project Description/Budget
Letters of Support
News Articles and Photos