Flood Disaster Relief Resources
The recording of the July 27 meeting is available here, and the list of speakers on the webcast (and the order in which they spoke) is here
State resource page for Flood support: accd.vermont.gov/flood#Business%20Resources%20&%20Financial%20Support
Vermont Small Business Development Center resource page for Flood support: www.vtsbdc.org/flood-2023/
Apply for support from The HUB: apply.thehubneighbors.org
Vermont Main Street Recovery Fund: www.vtrecovery2023.com
Legal support from Vermont Law School: www.tinyurl.com/23floodvtbizlegal
Legal support from the Vermont Bar Association: www.vtbar.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Flood-Victim-Web-Page.pdf
SBDC Recovery Guide: www.vtsbdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/VtSBDC-cover-and-pages-clientdisasterguide.pdf
SBDC Support Request Submission Form: www.vtsbdc.org/register-existing-business
SBDC: Boudrieau, Debra L. dboudrieau@vtsbdc.org
SBDC: Holson, Scott I. sholson@vtsbdc.org
SBA: Stephen A. Clark: stephen.clark@sba.gov
Vermont Department of Labor: Cameron Wood: cameron.wood@vermont.gov