Discussion Forum Guidelines
The purpose of this forum is to provide for public input and commentary to the Economic Development Commission (EDC.) This forum is designated as a Limited Public Forum. As such, postings on this forum are limited to comment and discussion regarding specific funding proposals presented to the EDC and to general comments regarding the EDC and its initiatives.
By registering for and posting on this forum, users agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use. Thank you for helping to achieve a cordial, productive community conversation.
We recognize that we have our rights to speak our minds AND we also have the right and the in this case, responsibility to our community to be kind in our expression of support or concern.
We are community first and will be community after we make our choices.
To this end we ask for people to make their comments in the following form:
Be respectful – remember that every applicant is putting forward an idea they believe will help Woodstock
Please use facts as best you understand them
Go deep. Be brief… keeping to the points of your reasoning
Address the project, not the person or group applying
Refrain from attacks, insults, and foul language. Violators may have their posts removed.
General Terms and Conditions:
All content posted on this forum will be publicly accessible online and will become part of the public record
Registration will be required to post content on this forum. A valid, verifiable email address must be provided upon registration and your name
All content posted to the forum will include the name of the registered poster
Content posters agree not to post copyrighted or otherwise restricted materials
Content posts on this forum reflect the views of the individual poster and do not necessarily represent the views of the EDC or any member of Woodstock Town or Village government