Storefront Incentive Progam
The Economic Development Commission has introduced an incentive program for filling empty storefronts in downtown Woodstock. Applicants who are prepared to lease an existing empty storefront are eligible for financial incentives if they meet the following criteria:
The storefront is located in a parking meter zone
The storefront has been empty for more than 6 months
The space is on the ground floor or (if on the second floor) be clearly visible from the street
The business must be re-locating from outside the parking meter zone - moves from one downtown storefront to another do not qualify for the incentive
The business has signed a one-year (or longer) lease
Applicants who meet these criteria are eligible for financial support covering two months rent, paid in month 1 and month 7 of the first 12-month lease period.
The EDC will award grants to up to 3 grantees per calendar year. Applicants should submit an email to identifying the location of the retail storefront and any other relevant information demonstrating eligibility, attach a copy of the signed lease, and provide contact information for the EDC to reach out to you.
You may also direct any questions you may have to the EDC on our comments page or by sending us an email at