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Beautification 2023 Flowers and lights

Project Overview

The Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce has been working with the High School horticultural program to create hanging baskets to enhance the beautification of the village since 2009. The Chamber raises the funds to buy the flowers from the WUHS and then contracts with an individual to water, fertilize and dead-head the baskets from May 25-October 13th. We are requesting funds to pay for the maintenance of the baskets for 2023. We were very fortunate to contract with Roger Ansardi for the season. He did a fabulous job maintaining the baskets.
Also, The Chamber has worked with Timber Tenders and Chippers to help light the village for the Holiday Season. The Chamber is requesting funds to purchase the lights from our local hardware store. The Chamber will continue to coordinate with our local arborists to get the lights hung before Thanksgiving.

Grant Request


Total Project Budget


Applicant Information

Name of Applicant / Organization / Business

Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce

Mailing Address

Po Box 486 Woodstock, VT 05091

Name of Project Coordinator

Beth Finlayson

Contact's Email Address


802 457-3555

Organization's Website URL



Applicatant / Organizational Description

The Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership-driven organization of businesses and professionals who are committed to developing a vibrant community and improving the economic well-being of the Woodstock area by marketing and supporting our members and our towns.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, what is your total organizational budget?


Project Information

Detailed Project Description

The Chamber will be raising funds for the Flowers and hopes to receive in kind donations for the lights of $10,000. Last year the Chamber purchased a garden cart and a water containers to enable the care of the plants.
The Chamber works with Chippers and Timber Tenders. Both businesses donate the use their bucket trucks and staff. Their donations equal about $10,000 to put up and take down the lights. The Chamber/EDC financial commitment to the holiday lights is $3,200.

Project Timeline

The flower basket project will be completed May 24-Oct 13, 2023. And the Holiday lights will be hung from November 21, 2023 through February 28, 2024.

Project Champion

The Chamber board, staff and merchants are champions of these projects.


Project Budget Narrative

Flower baskets- $6000 for the care and maintenance of the flowers from May 24 to October 13, 2023.

Holiday Lights- $3,000 is to purchase lights from Woodstock Home and Hardware.

Project Budget - Itemized

Income Category















Expense Category






What will success look like?

The town will magical and beautiful both during the summer and winter.

Community support for this project

The Chamber has been able to raise a small amount of funds that went directly toward our wagon and Gerri jugs for watering the plants. The Chamber often provides extention cords for lights.

Community support for this project

The Chamber/community does not have adequate funding for next year.

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