Space Rocks!
Project Overview
Space Rocks is a Woodstock-based father-son business that throws out of this world star parties and events for astronomical kids and backyard astromatures. We bring the Universe closer to home, right to your backyard. While many businesses deliver things like pizza, subs and packages, we bring planets, suns and comets!
Grant Request
Total Project Budget
Applicant Information
Name of Applicant / Organization / Business
Mike Pearsall
Mailing Address
8 Maple St., Woodstock, VT 05091
Name of Project Coordinator
Mike Pearsall
Contact's Email Address
Michael Pearsall
Organization's Website URL
Applicatant / Organizational Description
Our mission is to build a business that inspires love, fascination and fun for Woodstock area residents and out of town visitors. We are committed to creating an exciting and unique entertainment option which leverages one of Vermont's greatest treasures, its dark night skies! Space Rocks! brings the furthest reaches of outer space right to you your family and friends, hassle-free. Just step outside your house and look up with Space Rocks! at your service!
If you are applying on behalf of an organization, what is your total organizational budget?
Project Information
Detailed Project Description
Space Rocks!'s goal is to offer an alternative experience of fun for families and friends which entertains and inspires learning and curiosity. Space Rocks! is a father-son business based in the village of Woodstock, committed to bringing the jaw-dropping beauty of the universe right to you in the comfort of your own backyard… You no longer need to settle for magazine or internet images of the universe’s deepest treasures. You no longer need to buy expensive equipment, learn how to use complex instruments, or sign up for classes to enjoy the mind-bending display of Vermont’s night sky, at a level of detail you’ve never imagined. The Universe has never been closer, thanks to Space Rocks!
Some of the services we provide involve:
1. Fascinating and fun presentations about what we are looking at whenever we look up.
2. Backyard house calls where we bring our giant telescope to your backyard and take turns at the telescope - learn about what you are looking at, and how to use a telescope.
3. Ask the questions you've always wondered about outer space. Space Rocks! educated staff (Mike and Owen) has the most up to date knowledge about space exploration and understanding.
4. Memorable, mind-melting models and exhibits that help grasp the incomprehensible ideas about distance, sizes, and physics.
5. Demonstrate the best techniques to promote stargazing such as how to use and take care of telescopes and binoculars, how to get comfortable on chilly nights, how to get the most of stargazing and stay safe at night in bear country.
Project Timeline
The timeline for Space Rocks is a 3-part process:
YEAR 1: RESIDENTIAL service, primarily going to customers who sign up for backyard stargazing with our giant telescope, or our indoor planetarium option for indoor events (for all those cloudy nights!)
YEAR 5: STOREFRONT where we offer visitors and residents of Woodstock a fun place to go along the to see exhibits, planetarium exhibits, movies and to learn about and buy astronomy equipment such as telescopes, binoculars, warm blankets and gear to stay comfy outside at night.
YEAR 8: ONSITE PRO-DOME PLANETARIUM where people from all around will come visit our observatory for powerful star gazing and have internationally recognized annual star parties and events.
Project Champion
Michael Pearsall of Woodstock is a life-long, amature astronomer who moved to Vermont to escape the light-pollution of the city to appreciate the beauty of the starry skies.
Mike's champion and my number one employee is his son, Owen, who is twelve years old and will learn the ropes with his dad about how to start up and run his own business doing something he loves.
Mike's other notable role in the community is a grateful resident of Woodstock and Union Arena's third-string Zamboni driver.
Project Budget Narrative
The estimated budget proposal for this project will involve start up administrative expenses, capital equipment including telescopes and binoculars, and a website to generate publicity and interest.
Project Budget - Itemized
Income Category
Residential Visits
Expense Category
Dobsonian telescope
Cassegrainian telescope
Legal/insurance/administrative startup costs
What will success look like?
Success will look different depending on what stage of development Space Rocks! is at.
At Stage 1, success will be appreciated if Space Rocks! generates regular, dependable business which exceeds expenses by 65% - 70%+ for 3 years or more. I will recognize its success if I can quit my day job and work full-time on Space Rocks!
At Stage 2, success will be recognized if we open a storefront at Central St. and establish it as a place of interest for Woodstock so that the area is known for skiing, snowboarding AND stargazing.
At Stage 3, success will be recognized if Space Rocks! is an entertainment destiny for people to travel to and staying in hotels and fueling the Woodstock area's businesses with travelers from out of state and country for nationally-recognized stargazing destination.
Community support for this project
This project so far is in its infancy and will be explored and discussed with others in the near future.
Community support for this project
Without funding, I will start small and simply and build step by step starting with the equipment I have. There is very little risk or overhead expenses involved once started up.

Michael Pearsall
Owen Pearsall