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Abracadabra at 52 Pleasant St.

Applicant Name

Sarah Yetter

Applicant Organization

Abracadabra Coffee Co.

Phone Number


Mailing Address

54 Pleasant St.




Grant Request Summary

We are currently operating our retail business as a to go only coffee shop out of 52 Pleasant St. We are seeking funds to help fit up the building with plumbing and a restroom and build a permanent coffee bar for our equipment. We will then be able to better serve the people of Woodstock and create a fun environment for patrons to safely gather and enjoy all that Woodstock has to offer.

Project Budget


Desired Grant Amount

$20,000 - $24,999

Other Funding Sources

Outside investment, grants, loans

Project Timeframe

Spring 2022

How will this project benefit the economic and community development of Woodstock?

The increasing popularity of Woodstock as a destination for young families has created a larger demand for specialty food and beverage options. By developing the retail space at 52 Pleasant St., Abracadabra will provide locals and visitors a high end café experience in a fun and casual atmosphere. Roasted and packaged locally in Woodstock, Abracadabra has gained national recognition. Improving 52 Pleasant St. would allow Abracadabra to showcase our diverse offerings as a company including whole bean coffee, cold brew cans, apparel and merchandise. This visibility highlights Woodstock on a national level through our social media and online retail.

Which EDC Working Grouop Objectives does your project best support?

Downtown Physical Rejuvenation (Improving facilities and public spaces in the downtown area), Events (Supporting the growth of events for visitors and the community), Other

Other Objectives

East End Physical Rejuvenation

Project Collaborations

Collaboration on events in the East End of Woodstock with Ben Jervy and Andrew Hubbel and all interested parties in the East End Park is high priority.

Additional Comments

We're looking forward to meeting with the EDC in 2022!

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