Woodstock Economic Development Commission (EDC) Grants Manager
Applicant Name
Patrick Fultz
Applicant Organization
Email Address
Phone Number
Mailing Address
4324 W Woodstock Rd
Organization Website
Grant Request Summary
The grant would fund a person, ideally, a professional grant writer to help Woodstock area residents and business owners find and apply for grant funding. There are funds available for everything imaginable, but most people do not know where to look or how best to apply and write. grant request.
The Grant Request: $30,000 for year 1 and subsequent years if successful. The thought would be to have the person available on average 10 hours a week.
Project Budget
Desired Grant Amount
Other Funding Sources
Planned to be fully funded by the EDC
Project Timeframe
1 year — Ongoing if project is successful. Project success will be measured in # grants submitted, # grants considered, # grants won
How will this project benefit the economic and community development of Woodstock?
Many Woodstock residents have great ideas for creating programs, improving buildings, and pursuing new ventures to improve economic and community development in Woodstock. Often the first question is; "How will we fund this?" There is an increasing amount of grant funding available from many different sources designed to support economic development ideas. However, identifying them and putting together the grant proposals can be a complex undertaking.
The EDC Grants Manager would:
● Research grant opportunities to identify funding for ideas and ventures for local businesses, the municipality, and non-profit organizations.
● Work with an identified group of local businesses and organizations to help them remain aware of grant opportunities.
● When opportunities are agreed upon, write grant proposal narratives, collect required materials, and submit proposal packages by the published deadlines. This process will require working closely with applying organizations to create accurate and compelling applications.
● Manage reporting requirements, including writing report narratives, collecting required data and
materials, and submitting report packages by the specified deadlines. This position would be a contract role, reporting to the EDC. Expected hours per week may vary, with 15 expected on average.
The ideal candidate will:
● Be an experienced grant writer with several years of experience writing a variety of grant proposals and reports or have demonstrated transferable business writing skills.
● Has knowledge of the various types of grant processes (letter of inquiry, concept paper, full proposal, etc.) and reports, as well as grant research tools.
● Has the interest and ability to learn quickly about a variety of organizations and their needs.
● Has familiarity with the Woodstock area and the interest and ability to build good working relationships with area organizations (e.g., the Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation, Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TROC), etc.).
Which EDC Working Grouop Objectives does your project best support?
Housing (Expanding housing supply for local workforce), Marketing (Marketing Woodstock to attract more visitors and permanent residents), Attracting New Businesses (Attracting businesses to Woodstock), Downtown Physical Rejuvenation (Improving facilities and public spaces in the downtown area), Events (Supporting the growth of events for visitors and the community), Other
Other Objectives
This will be defined in the final application with the idea of project that help the town and it's businesses.
Project Collaborations
No, not at this time.
Additional Comments
There are a number of grant opportunities that would fit with the EDC's current priorities — e.g. facade improvement, outdoor recreation, housing, and so forth. For the coming year, there will also likely be a fairly large number of grant opportunities for infrastructure spending that would not typically be called "economic development" but would certainly be considered "community development." We shouldn't be splitting hairs, and the EDC could encourage the grant support person to support all of these types of grants, not just the ones that focus narrowly on EDC priorities. This can be better defined in the fine grant request.